Author: Jan

STM32 LQFP64 Test Board

Finally – I just discovered test boards with sockets for STM32 LQFP64 and LQFP100. They are a bit pricy – ca 65.- USD yet, but it is a start. These are on the list of things I planned to make because I could not buy them.

3-Phase/Stepper Routing

Left side of the 3-Phase/Stepper/PWM Hat done. This is the hardest bit, but it went much easier this time because the previous attempts gave some hints and lessons learned. I am far from finished, but it is not hopeless. My main concern is the ground-plane getting to fragmented and unable to support the currents –…

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easyIPC Format

Message Header This is the new message format that I will use on SPI, RS485 and Ethernet. For CAN I am not sure yet. I might want to take more advantage of the strong capabilities in CAN, but lets see. The format above allows me to communicate device to device in a network, but at…

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Baudrates like 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800, 921600 are rather standard, but what do you use to set 10Mbps? Testing with a Windows PC I manage to get 2Mbps as shown here, but Windows is not able to open higher frequencies. I am in this case…

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XPortHub changes

I have not tested everything yet, but rev 1.1 of XPortHub need a few changes: correct package on serial flash. wap sequence on dip switch. replace battery with a proper battery holder. Can be mounted on back-side if needed. This also fix the short-cut here. Test Power Connector. I have a 2-pin connector that is…

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PCB Shortcut

This was a rare bug on the XPortHub! I have not bothered to test the super-cap/battery for the VBAT much, but suddenly realized as I was doing other changes that I had an error message related to this. And correct – measuring the PCB I have a self infected short-cut. CNC machinery making PCB’s require…

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FAT FS Middleware

FATFS is a middleware component you can add to create a MicroSD API with full file I/O support. It only takes a few clicks with CubeMX and you have an API with the following and more: f_mount(): Register/Unregister a work area f_open(): Open/Create a file f_close(): Close a file f_read(): Read a file f_write(): Write…

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XPortHub Update

I finally managed to sort out the CubeMX/SW4STM32 error so I can move on a bit. The XPortHub (pictured above) is coming together very well. Sadly I have to upgrade this due to the Flash footprint error, so I will make some other adjustments as well. CubeMX auto-generate all drivers with pin-setting, FreeRTOS, USB driver…

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