Category: Educational

Using old solder paste

I just started on 2 new motor drivers for my new project and soldered DRV8301 which is a dense 58 pin crab using an old solder paste. Soldering these crabs are easy and done in minutes, but I struggled with this paste and ended up with a driver that had pins not connected causing 2…

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ISO1042 Galvanic CANbus

I recently discovered this chip (ISO1042) and wanted to share a circuit I found. This circuit is excellent, but it has two flaws: Firstly you need a small isolation coil 10-20uH between ISO 1042 and VCC1. This act as a filter so that higher frequencies used by the buck converter in ISO1042 do not disturb…

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Motor Algorithm – Part 3 – Vector Table

As mentioned in part2 I want to create a 360 degree vector table with PWM duties for A,B and C. This allows me to drive sinusoidal by simply stepping 0 to 359. To do this I create a small C application as follows: #include “stdio.h” #include “stdlib.h” #include “math.h” int main(int argc, char* argv) { FILE* fd = fopen(“vectors.cpp”, “w”); if (fd != NULL) { fprintf(fd, “alSinusVector _vector[AL3P_VECTOR_SIZE]=\n”); fprintf(fd, “{\n”); for (int i = 0; i < 360; i++) {…

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Lawn Mover – Motor Algorithm

Running a BLDC (3-phase motor) you need to insert and tune some parameters with regards to size of motor, number of winding, how much current do you output etc. But, more important is the algorithm and technique you chose matching the job at hand. You have three different algorithms (FOC, Sinusoidal, Trapezoidal) and a variety…

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3D Position System

A module like ZED-F9P cost 148.- EUR and cover all these with an accuracy of 10 cm. The cost of thus module is currently a limitations, but cost will come down. I am more interested in the fact that it announce 10cm accuracy which open up a lot of usability options. The classic 2.5 meters…

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