RTOS part 3 – CLI

A RTOS is at the end of the day only a library intended to assist in making your application, meaning that much of the focus on yX is to be able to adapt to your needs and guarantee portability on source code modules. With yX being able to compile on Linux and Windows this also includes capabilities to test complex module logic in simulated environments like Visual Studio or similar.

 Why do we need a CLI? A CLI (Command Line Interface) is actually easy to create and as we already have a UART on our SWD connector we can put it to some good use. One usage is to support structured printf statements so we can output debug statements as we run. Another usage is a small command interpreter allowing us to communicate with bootloader, kernel and even tasks to assist in debugging and maintenance.

 I don’t expect a memory hungry command line interpreter to run embedded, so the trick I will use is to create a binary command interpreter where we do the interpretation top-side. We don’t need that much only a few commands to support the bootloader and debug support like reading and writing variables. Small things to make life easier.

 Some suggested commands:

  • Read firmware information
  • Download new firmware
  • Restart
  • Peek
  • Poke

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