Author: Jan

60V DC/DC Hat

I decided to add the Hat form and RPI connection to my Hat allowing me to use this as a PSU as well. I need far more powerfully PSU’s than this, but TPS54260 can deliver 2.5A on any voltage I need, so it’s a beginning + its 3 voltages coming from this board so why…

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4G/NB-IoT Hat

SIM7020E is a small module that offer 4G services and access to the new NB-IoT service that is available to give access to remote sensors that earlier was not possible. All-in-All this is just a new wrapping on a service that have been available since GSM and can be achieved with several low cost modules.…

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60V/50A Motor Annotated

Hall sensor logic 60V DC/DC Converter Gate Drivers Raspberry PI Connector MCU SuperCap for 3,3V on MCU Raspberry PI mount holes Mount holes for heat-sink Leds SWD USB 2 x End point sensors PSU Capacitance CAN port +60V MOSFET Array GND Extra GND Connectors Current Sensors Phase output 2 x Temperature Sensors.

NB-IoT Hat – Mockup

This is an early mockup of a NB-IoT/4G/3G/2G/GSM Hat just to illustrate the space needs. My main concerns are signal quality on the antenna part as this module do not have a direct antenna output. Below is a PCB snap-shot showing the details of the antenna layout. I really could have needed a 3rd layer…

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Radio/4G/GSM Hat

I drafted a GSM/GPS module some time ago, but I never ordered it as I decided to ditch that PLC design and pick up a smaller footprint. Time has changed so I want to make a new approach. Using STM32F405RG as core I want to add NB-IoT, LoRa and GPS capabilities. NB-IoT is a new…

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