Author: Jan

CAN Adapters

I have 2 CAN Adapters at present. One is the low cost USB Adapter and the other is the XPortHub. The picture above show the smaller, single channel USB to CAN Adapter. The picture above show the more powerfully XPortHub that provide USB, CAN, RS-485, RS-232, UART, SPI and I2C channels. The USB to CAN…

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CAN Arbitration

One of the things you need to be aware off as you design (or use) a CAN based protocol is how arbitration works and how it can be used to your advantage or create a timing bug if it used wrong. CANbus consist of a 11 or 19 bit ID field at the head of…

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Remote PSU Switch

The 50A Motor Controller have 2 separate PSU feeds – one for the MCU and one for the Motor driver. This allows me to power the MCU and let this switch on/off power for the driver part. Simply create a 48V/50A PSU Controller Hat as illustrated on the drawing above. I like this idea, but…

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Testing a 50A Motor Controller

One of the good things about MC4X60V50A (or steampunk controller if you like) is that MCU is powered separately from the MOSFET driver part. This enables me to use a USB, power the MCU and write test code without worrying about the 3KW driver part. For actual testing I can settle with smaller motors to…

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70 down, 87 to go

I want a pick & place machine! That 50A Driver is 157 components. It is my largest and most complex design so far, but 157 components is a lot to assemble by hand – just so I can blow it up later 🙂

Worn out Pick & Miss Machine

I decided to use the IR Heater for this board, so in the process of manually applying paste and placing components. Got the large components on, but still miss the 0603 o-fun. This is much harder work than it looks sitting there trying to get components you hardly can see placed. Actually have to rest…

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Reading up on these machines I find a lot of praises about this series. I really like this machine with 58 feeders, but it will cost me close to 6000.- USD before I have it in Norway. The reviews are all good. The main comment is on camera lighting. It can detect 0603 components, but…

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Ground Plane Broken

Bugger – checking ground plane integrity I realize that it is broken. The green areas have component grounding, but the 3D showed that it was connected – the real PCB is however not connected. I should have forced a track here to ensure that this was connected, but I will solder a wire on the…

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