Category: Projects

BSA – User Control

One of the big things with any GUI/HMI is the capability to quickly create new user controls. The method I want to use is to let the user create this using a state-matrix. Layers in rows with layer 0=preview and columns as states. The control is illustrated above. In this example I plan to rotate…

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BSA – Starting HMI Components

This list will increase, but I need to start with some basic components. The first version I need is HMI only together with a few other components: DataSource Generic definition of a source that can be connected to a HMI component to read/write data. This will be a named component that is implemented manually allowing…

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BSA – HMI Form Properties

The easiest way to discuss properties is by discussing actual components, so I start with HMI Form. The terminology “Form” is well known for C# developers. I could have used dialog, window or whatever, but decided that “Form” is a good word. What you see below is the current HMI Form draft used in BSA.…

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BSA – Integrating PScript

I will need an editor for PScript and the most obvious path is to integrate this into BSA as a building block. PScript evolved from an experiment into being a Plain Interpreter and this makes it easier because I can actually generate source code for other languages from PScript. Meaning you can write PScript and…

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BSA – Line Moves

To move a line you select it. Selection is done by moving the mouse over the line and clicking the left button. As you select the line the end point markers will show and you move the mouse to an and point and simply move it with the mouse. If you move the marker outside…

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