Author: Jan

BSA – SDL Support

The diagram below is an “abstracted SDL” – or simplified SDL if you like – it is a flowchart with SDL heritage that is a very good way of writing a visual specification assuming you have a tool that support it. This is at core in PLD. This exact example send a message and wait…

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BSA . C/C++ Import

One of the upcoming features is the capability to import C/C++ code into a BSA project – correction I only want to be able to read C/C++ so I can set up the BSA Repository to generate code that uses an external C/C++ library. This is one of many important features as you integrate high-level…

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BSA – Fork & Join

Fork and Join are part of UML State diagram heritage that I imported into PLD. The example below show a potential usage to take a signal, duplicate it to three threads and wait until they all are finished before you continue. Fork and Join are drawn as bars that can be horisontal or vertical –…

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BSA – PLD Considerations

I am experimenting a bit with C++/PScript coding in PLD and you can see the mock-up below where I create 3 math functions. The diagram is named “Math” so the functions are Math.Pow2, Math.Abs and Math.Sin – two of them in C++ and one in PScript. Assuming the target is C++ you can add C++…

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PnP Head

I am building a PnP Machine based on lumenPnP (an OpenPnP) variant, but as I lack many of the specialized parts they use I have to make changes. This has been a great project as it forced me to lern how a PnP machine works and what challenges it included. As I upgraded to version…

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New PNP Head

I borrowed the design from LumenPnP (an OpenPnP variant), but I am honestly not impressed with their mechanical skills, so I re-designed the head. Firstly I needed a different end-sensor and added one on each side. But, the major issue was the blue belt holder that difficult to print and would not fir the belt…

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BSA – Dictionary

The Dictionary part of BSA is quite important as your project grows because it is instrumental in keeping overview and re-using components. The content is always the same, but I decided that I needed at least two precentations of the Dictionary content that is selectable by buttons on top of the Dictionary folder itself. You…

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BSA – Assign statement

I am using BSA myself daily as we speak and this sometimes makes it very obvious that some of the functionality needs to be improved. I was initially very happy with my Property Editor (at right), but as I have worked on large 4K screens I have noticed that text gets very small and hidden…

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