Changing the blog

I don’t have the answer to this riddle yet, but I am searching for a more structured way of doing this blog that don’t involve myself digging into web development. I simply don’t have the time (or skills), so I am depending on either someone else assisting or finding a plug & play solution.

At present I use WordPress that is very capable, so I will look into different templates. What I want is to continue the blog as the main page, but I need articles to go on separate project pages to allow more continuity. I also want to re-open the comments field and add Forum as I move forward. I actually own both BasicIP.Org, BasicIP.Net and BasicIP.Com, so I might put them to use as well.

I guess what I am saying is that you might see a lot of experimental changes the next days/weeks before things settle. For now I will try changing Categories to be projects and see how that works out.

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