Author: Jan

BSA – New Gauge

Just playing around with a Torque Tool Gauge. Bit work in progress, but using a wide band as needle rather than a classic needle and due to how my gauges are build up I can easely get them adapted to various stiles. This provides 4 gauges at the space of one – a bit work…

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PnP – Head/FreeCAD

Finally got around to design holders for my Nema8 Nozzle head + I added a damper between the Nema17 and the head to reduce noise. I need to design tank-belt holders and I can start assembling pneumatic tubes and control system as I should have all parts by now. I used FreeCAD to design these…

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PnP – Attention to details

I ordered CNC belt driver wheels a bit quick and realized just now that their hold is 6mm while the shafts on my steppers are 5mm. The extra 1mm meakes a “hump” as the belt move and the combination is not a nice, smooth belt drive – so new belt wheels have been ordered. I…

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BSA – Save/Load

As mentioned before it is easier to blog about HW than SW, more to show. But, that is about to change because BSA is very visual once it runs. The screen below is just a demo/test for Save/Load functionality and once that is working I can easier blog actual about diagrams. I must admit it…

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PnP – Noozle Head

This picture (above) show the PnP Nozzle head. (1) A Nuki 506 Noozle, but I have several noozles. (2) A noozle holder. (3) A Nema8 hallow shaft Stepper and (4) And adapter for rotating hallow shaft to vacum tube. These are some of the most expensive parts of the PnP design. I have received 501…

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PnP – Back Legs

This picture is from LumenPnP (Opulo) that I use as base and show that they already have corrected the weak mechanical leg, but obviously not updated the open source drawing – or I must have downloaded the wrong ones 🙁 Never mind – I have glued the part that broke and they will do for…

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