Category: HMI

BSA – HMI Form Properties

The easiest way to discuss properties is by discussing actual components, so I start with HMI Form. The terminology “Form” is well known for C# developers. I could have used dialog, window or whatever, but decided that “Form” is a good word. What you see below is the current HMI Form draft used in BSA.…

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BSA – Integrating PScript

I will need an editor for PScript and the most obvious path is to integrate this into BSA as a building block. PScript evolved from an experiment into being a Plain Interpreter and this makes it easier because I can actually generate source code for other languages from PScript. Meaning you can write PScript and…

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BSA – Line Moves

To move a line you select it. Selection is done by moving the mouse over the line and clicking the left button. As you select the line the end point markers will show and you move the mouse to an and point and simply move it with the mouse. If you move the marker outside…

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BSA – Next Steps

BSA is a huge task so it is important to keep focus to get something that we can start using soon even on beta level. I have done most of links which is the more complex part of the drawing engine. What is remaining is manual link movements. In this first version I will only…

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BSA – Merging HMI into PLD

This is PLD where I use HMI Form as building blocks. I am not sure about this idea, but a HMI screen is a complex object with multiple paths and PLD can actually visualize this. in this example I show what other HMI forms are called, but it could as well have been the menu…

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BSA – Automated Lines

This test diagram shows some of the automated lines used in BSA. As you draw diagrams you also need to use line (or links) between the symbols to create a diagram. But it is important to remember that we are NOT making drawings, we are creating a specification where the lines are translated to source…

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BSA – UML State Diagram

I got the first link designs connecting symbols working. I will not use much time on State Diagrams in first round as my objective is still to create GUI designer first. But, working on advanced, embedded solutions every day I am actually looking forward to be working with BSA once it becomes fully functional. The…

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